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HR Analytics

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HRMS Suite


Setup your game withHR Analytics portal

Enhance employee productivity by making swift and better decisions with Protel HRMS HR Analytics Atrak.


In most organizations, data is stored in various places and formats, making it difficult for reporting or for useful interpretation. However, Protel HRMS HR Analytics captures all the HR data in one unified system from which information or reports that are necessary to run the business can be derived. This information is timely, relevant, and practical.
Empower yourself to steer your company through competition with the support of Protel HRMS HR Analytics.

How do you Benefit

An efficient company runs effectively with a well maintained and highly organized management system on deck. Human resource management is one such part of an well balanced company management system where we deliver the tools for the easiness of your work. Our high quality HR solution software will give you the edge over your other competitors and will also help you and your employees to work error free for more productivity and better quality.


Employee Dashboard

Protel HRMS HR Analytics Atrak helps you create and process employee reports that provide a visual representation of employee data such as attrition and headcount or any other basic

Business Impact

HR Analytics helps identify what impacts businesses negatively and make the necessary amends. Throws predictive analysis for business decisions and helps to take course correction for any decision that needs to be re-looked at.


HR Analytics has a host of user-friendly reports with in-depth predictive analysis data enabling the management to get an accurate picture of the organization and its people. The MIS predictive regression graphs will forecast the management as to where they will be in the future with the same trend. This aids organizations to take any course corrections or business decisions enabling them to travel on the right path.

Intelligent Report

HR Analytics acts as a central repository for collating data of all departments pertaining to their performance and publish MIS reports. This will help to understand the overall performance of the entire organization and alerts by way of mail triggers can be enabled wherever required. Using these reports, which include charts and graphs, the HR can gauge the performance of their organization, leaders, and employees effectively and make relevant decisions to improve the same.

Employee Monitoring

Enable effective monitoring of employees to ensure enhanced overall profitability. We help you establish a better connection between workforce data and operational measures.

Key Features

  • Manpower Planning

  • Set Policies to Improve Employee Satisfaction

  • Attrition Control

  • Initiatives for Effective Training and Career Development

  • Real-Time Reports & Analytics

  • Employee Monitoring

  • Predictive analysis of attendance data

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