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HRMS Suite


Enablebetter decision and quickerresolution

Protel HRMS virtual Help Desk HRMS – HelpTrak allows HR to provide fast and effective support for employees by saving costs while reducing administrative stress.


Protel Lab offers simple and affordable help desk solution that resolves employee concerns faster and better. By providing employees with a single-window for all their queries and bringing transparency to the resolution process, the overall speed of response goes up significantly. It also leads to a higher level of employee satisfaction. Protel ensures a professional service that understands the end-user better and meets expectations.

How do you Benefit

An efficient company runs effectively with a well maintained and highly organized management system on deck. Human resource management is one such part of an well balanced company management system where we deliver the tools for the easiness of your work. Our high quality HR solution software will give you the edge over your other competitors and will also help you and your employees to work error free for more productivity and better quality.


Intuitive categorization

Allowing employees to raise concerns easily with intuitive categorization and maintaining transparency. Identify areas/departments which need improvement towards resolving people issues.

Prioritizing concerns

Prioritizing concerns to decide how to allocate time and resources. Categorize department wise issues and segregate them based on RAG. Allocate time-lines to ensure non-recurrence of repeat issues.

Improved employee relations and touchpoints

Providing top-quality employee support and assistance, helps your business earn employee satisfaction without any complications, and open two-way communications.

Timely Resolution

Regular remainders and auto escalations to ensure timely resolution of concerns raised. Will also act as a suggestion forum to understand the pulse of the employees and also will be a forum to predict and foresee the employee related issues.

Single point of communications

A help desk management solution functions as a one-stop solution for all employee support, queries, requests, complaints, and assistance.


HelpTrak has a host of user-friendly reports with in-depth analysis. The reports will act as a watchdog for a healthier environment and atmosphere in the organization. Throws information at the appropriate time to take corrective actions wherever/whenever required to keep the conductive environment.

Key Features

  • Manage all types of employee issues

  • Automated E-mail notifications

  • Automated reminders and escalations

  • Real time reports and analytics

  • To understand the pulse of the employees at all times

  • Prioritizing and timely resolution of issues

  • Healthier two way communications

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