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Home OnBoarding
HRMS Suite


Practical and efficientOnBoardingSolution

Effective onboarding lays the foundation for creating loyal and engaged workforce for your organization.


Protel Labs believes that effective onboarding programs can help retain new employees for longer periods. Handling the first few days and months of a new employee’s experience intelligently is critical for ensuring higher retention. The Onboarding HRMS solution from Protel Labs ensures that new hires get the best first impression leading towards creating loyal and engaged employees.

How do you Benefit

An efficient company runs effectively with a well maintained and highly organized management system on deck. Human resource management is one such part of an well balanced company management system where we deliver the tools for the easiness of your work. Our high quality HR solution software will give you the edge over your other competitors and will also help you and your employees to work error free for more productivity and better quality.


Precious Time Saved

The automated employee onboarding process helps save a lot of time as it frees the HR staff from spending several hours on paper work.

Errors Reduced

This goes with the cost-effectivity of automated employee onboarding. Onboarding workflow automation brings the precision of a machine to the entire process of onboarding new employees. There are set parameters to an automated process that eliminates the chances of errors by a big margin.

Early Engagements

With onboarding software, you get to engage with your new hires even before they begin work in the new company. When you engage with employees early, they will be prepared to start working with an understanding of the expectations the company has of them.

Data Collected Efficiently

With an automated onboarding process, you can gather information about new hires efficiently. You can also store the collected data in a secure place or integrate it with other HR software.

Sense of Security

Employee onboarding can be a sensitive process as it includes important employee data. With onboarding automation, companies can ensure that all information collected while onboarding new employees stay confidential and locked in a virtual database.


With early access to the necessary forms and an easy platform to fill them out, new hires have the flexibility to complete forms whenever convenient before their start date. Additionally, this gives HR an easy way to customize forms and messages for new hires.

Key Features

  • New Employee Introduction

  • New Employee Broadcasting and Announcement Through ESS Portal

  • Complete Introductory Documentation

  • Error-Free Employee Personal Records

  • Hassle-Free New Joinee Formalities

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